Much like an infestation of Silverfish, Arthur's place is crawling with Dr Who memorabilia:::

Smit is so malnourished from being on tour that his legs have shrunk. This just happened:::
We thought it best that we feed him so we skipped off into Mosely to have a delicious Irish breakfast:::
After we ate we had an emergency so we rushed to the rug doctor for immediate treatment:::
The rug doctor prescribed us some 'erbs and spices so we popped to the Chemists where a tiny lady served us. She served us this:::

Our voices are pretty much destroyed from the banshee like screaming so we had to visit the voice wizard who gave us this:::

It tastes really good:::
When we got to Middlesbrough, we were greeted by a disco floor, Rosie's always wanted to have sex on one of these so she prepared herself:::

The gig was an interesting time, we found out shots were a pound:::

So we got fucked up:::
Ryan did this:::

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